Monday, July 13, 2009

men and love or men in love

today, my highschool friend made a call and shared his painful broken heart story.
he was so sad that his ex (and he still mentioned that the woman as his gf) is close to another guy.
he never thought that she could do that to him, by this I mean move on from him.
so sad to hear him like that because, he seems so fragile and try to keep his tears coming out.
in fact he's a tough and silly guy I ever know.
another guy, my college friend, called me the day before when I was about to go to Karo event. yeahh~
he told me that he's in a shocked-depressed condition that he never felt that before. and it's because someone said that his ex -again- is going to get married in two weeks. whew~
when he heard the news, he couldn't sleep, think clear, or do whatever right. he thought that girl will come back to him after all. ahh what happend to you guys, to be so confident about yourself.

just remember back then when some friend tell me about the differences between men and women when it deals with heart.
men with their 9 logics and 1 feeling while women with their 9 feelings and 1 logic.
women crying all the times when they are sad, happy, or having broken heart.
and actually by that, women learn how to face it so when the problems come she knows the solution.
but when men having broken heart -with someone he really in love- his logics covered by his feeling and couldn't think right. and sometimes confused how to face it, because they're not use to it.
and it makes me sad when I could only say "dont worry, time will heal your broken heart" and you guys feel dissapointed because there's no magic thing that could remove straight away your broken heart.

so boys, get use to it okay ^_^



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