Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Alice in the Neverland

"So Lord, tell me your plan about bringing me here in the middle of nowhere, some place, what you call it?"
"Neverland. remember that Alice, this place called Neverland"
"Ah right.. so Neverland. tell me about the people" she looks excited. but her smile disappear the moment He smiling. "Oh no.. not that kind of face. don't say that I have to figure out myself and you will put me here like when you put me before in that so-called-earth-place."
"you're right Alice. I could just tell you all about my plan. but it's not that interesting anymore right if I tell you everything? why don't you just find out yourself and experience an adventure of life. this is the right place" and now He's winking.


If I tell you my secret what would I have left for myself?
