Indonesia is one large country with its 200 something millions citizens. Indonesia more or less 18 thousands islands, beautiful islands. Lies between Australia and Asia continents. Those are the lessons about Indonesia that being thaught since elementary school. But here, I wanna share a lot of other interesting facts about Indonesia. If you ask me why, I will answer WHY NOT?
- Indonesia has a lot of tribes so in Indonesia we have various tradition with its clothes and its food
- Indonesian people are so friendly, we give our warmest smile even to stranger or tourists that come to Indonesia
- Indonesian food are so delicious and tasty with various spices that grow all over the nation. And when you open #indonesiaunite in twitter, you might found out that Indonesian (who stay in Indonesia or all over the world) must be really like and try to find Indonesian food wherever they go.
- We respect others. Though Indonesia become the biggest country with its moslem population in the world, but we have five religions here. Buddha, Hindu, Christian, Catholic, and Islam. we tolerate and respect one another. When Moslem do Fasting Day for a month, a lot of foodcourt close their place with gordyn. Or when Hindu celebrate "Nyepi" in Bali, almost all the electricity in Bali is turn off and there's no flights to or from Bali during the day and the day before.
- We care each other. when others are in trouble, they will give what they could to help. and it's not always about the money. when Aceh got Tsunami, or when there was an earthquake in Jogjakarta, or even when there was Prita ( case everybody like really care to help whatever might works to help.
and the latest was when incident of Jakarta bombing in two luxury hotels (Ritz Carlton and JW Marriot.
Couple days ago a movement called #indonesiaunite in Twitter try to give understanding to others that Indonesia is okay. Indonesia is still stand here. and #indonesiaunite became Top Trending Topics for several days, beat #Keep Paula, #iranelection or Michael Jackson. Not to underestimate others, it's just we unite here and we show that we care for our Indonesia.
- We fight against terrorism. Terrorist do terror to fear anyone. But there are no single religion ever support to any violence. So, terrorist never represent any religion, any nation and any tradition in the world.
As the first President of Indonesia had declared "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" (Unity in Diversity) we are now gathered and united in Indonesia, and to make Indonesia become a better nation with its qualified next generation. Our Minister Jero Wacik said about the "seeing is believing" things, so before you come to Indonesia you wouldn't easily believe the magnificent nature of Indonesia. But you may take a look of this link to commercial that promote Visit Indonesia 2009, it's just a little but it could gives you the picture about Indonesia
and if you again ask me why? because I heart Indonesia FULL and am proud to be Indonesian :)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Monday, July 20, 2009
someone just press DELETE on me
and never realize that 1 person is important to me, at least until he deletes me from his FB friendlist. yet, he also deletes me from his YM.
Actually, I never check 1 by 1 of my friendlist in FB. I noticed he's no longer become my friend when I played Pet Society and he's no longer become my neighbour (see, he's not even that important). I checked my friends, and I didn't find him!
I send message on his YM but he didn't reply anything.
then I texted to him, he didn't reply that too until couple hours later.
and his message was kinda rude. he just said yes, but he didn't explain why.
When 3 days ago my ex said that I'm no longer become his friend in FB because his girlfriend deleted me from his friendlist. and it's SO OKAY for me. really do.
but this -ohhowimportantpersonyouare- makes me sad. I can't even sleep well. arghhh. so shocked. when I quote "you never know when someone press PLAY on your paused life" I never thought that the DELETE button is also in there.
and he just press DELETE on me. really ruined our so-called friendship.
thanks ngga, for everything you have said and done.
not so cheers tonight,
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (not a review just my point of view)
everybody might know that is the title of the sixth Harry Potter movie that just released recently. It's not a review nor a summary, just an opinion from someone who really like the book. one of my favorite book if I may say. so if you happen to think this is a review, you could just stop read from this point.
finally, this movie go to public. after a year of waiting. yes, this movie should release last year, but because of the Twilight movie, the Warner Bros as the home production was postpone it. they scared that Harry Potter will gone under the "Twilight Fever". and yes they're right, "twilight fever" is all around the world.
but then HP 6 is released, many people feel disappointed. and why so?
people had waiting for too long but the movie seems standard. monotonous If I could quote from my friend status. days before I watch HP 6 movie, I read a lot of those status on Facebook how they feel so dissapointed with the newest HP movie.
from that, I couldn't expect more, but I should watch no matter what.
then I watch it. and I like it. really.
though I watched it with my friend who always said that movie is too long, not good.
I didn't think so. I really enjoyed it. I really like how the details in the book is described well. and even in my thoughts, the movie isn't long enough to describe all of the details. like the prince, why the half blood prince named prince etc. but, I don't feel dissapointed. strange.
perhaps it's because I didn't expect much or I just really like the HP :D
so if you don't want to feel the dissapointment, do not expect much.
but if you already watched the movie and felt that, I suggest you to read the book.
from the very beginning if you have to.
happy reading and watching and enjoying your long weekend ^_^
finally, this movie go to public. after a year of waiting. yes, this movie should release last year, but because of the Twilight movie, the Warner Bros as the home production was postpone it. they scared that Harry Potter will gone under the "Twilight Fever". and yes they're right, "twilight fever" is all around the world.
but then HP 6 is released, many people feel disappointed. and why so?
people had waiting for too long but the movie seems standard. monotonous If I could quote from my friend status. days before I watch HP 6 movie, I read a lot of those status on Facebook how they feel so dissapointed with the newest HP movie.
from that, I couldn't expect more, but I should watch no matter what.
then I watch it. and I like it. really.
though I watched it with my friend who always said that movie is too long, not good.
I didn't think so. I really enjoyed it. I really like how the details in the book is described well. and even in my thoughts, the movie isn't long enough to describe all of the details. like the prince, why the half blood prince named prince etc. but, I don't feel dissapointed. strange.
perhaps it's because I didn't expect much or I just really like the HP :D
so if you don't want to feel the dissapointment, do not expect much.
but if you already watched the movie and felt that, I suggest you to read the book.
from the very beginning if you have to.
happy reading and watching and enjoying your long weekend ^_^
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Poor Lucky part 0.5
This is a story about my dear far far away friend ..
I know him since years ago, before he moved out to that far away kingdom.
let's just call him Lucky, but his love life is not as lucky as his name.
Lucky once had a girlfriend name eru. Eru and Lucky surely in love and they're seems meant for each other. Eru is Lucky high school mates, so he met her almost everyday. Eru is a cute little girl with many friends aroun her. and Lucky is a big funny boy and everyone really like him. Then, their love was blessed by everyone around them.
but they were never thought that will be other side who didn't like their togetherness.
school. eru' parents. or perhaps, something else?
one day, the school called lucky. he was interogated by school.
school : "do you have relationship with eru?"
lucky : "mmm.. yes. what's the matter?"
school : "and how long have you been with her?"
lucky : "almost a year. is there something wrong sir?"
school : "well, the problem is eru' family didn't like your relationship. could you just break up with her?"
lucky feels confused. in his mind there's voice said "hey why school is now also taking care of somebody' relationship?" but he didn't say that out loud. it's not polite and he knows it eventhough he really want to.
lucky : "No I dont want that sir, I like her a lot."
school : "You have to break up with her. end of discussion. You may leave kid."
lucky left the teacher' room, he couldn't back to his class. he couldn't think clear. so he better just went to cafetaria and wait there if eru will come there as they always meet everyday after class. "yes, I will wait for her here. just 1 more hours"
I know him since years ago, before he moved out to that far away kingdom.
let's just call him Lucky, but his love life is not as lucky as his name.
Lucky once had a girlfriend name eru. Eru and Lucky surely in love and they're seems meant for each other. Eru is Lucky high school mates, so he met her almost everyday. Eru is a cute little girl with many friends aroun her. and Lucky is a big funny boy and everyone really like him. Then, their love was blessed by everyone around them.
but they were never thought that will be other side who didn't like their togetherness.
school. eru' parents. or perhaps, something else?
one day, the school called lucky. he was interogated by school.
school : "do you have relationship with eru?"
lucky : "mmm.. yes. what's the matter?"
school : "and how long have you been with her?"
lucky : "almost a year. is there something wrong sir?"
school : "well, the problem is eru' family didn't like your relationship. could you just break up with her?"
lucky feels confused. in his mind there's voice said "hey why school is now also taking care of somebody' relationship?" but he didn't say that out loud. it's not polite and he knows it eventhough he really want to.
lucky : "No I dont want that sir, I like her a lot."
school : "You have to break up with her. end of discussion. You may leave kid."
lucky left the teacher' room, he couldn't back to his class. he couldn't think clear. so he better just went to cafetaria and wait there if eru will come there as they always meet everyday after class. "yes, I will wait for her here. just 1 more hours"
we're friends since highschool but in this frame, minus Nana -went to Bangka when we're taking this pic- and Tya - I make a post for and about her later on-
love u alwaysssss girls *bisous*
Monday, July 13, 2009
men and love or men in love
today, my highschool friend made a call and shared his painful broken heart story.
he was so sad that his ex (and he still mentioned that the woman as his gf) is close to another guy.
he never thought that she could do that to him, by this I mean move on from him.
so sad to hear him like that because, he seems so fragile and try to keep his tears coming out.
in fact he's a tough and silly guy I ever know.
another guy, my college friend, called me the day before when I was about to go to Karo event. yeahh~
he told me that he's in a shocked-depressed condition that he never felt that before. and it's because someone said that his ex -again- is going to get married in two weeks. whew~
when he heard the news, he couldn't sleep, think clear, or do whatever right. he thought that girl will come back to him after all. ahh what happend to you guys, to be so confident about yourself.
just remember back then when some friend tell me about the differences between men and women when it deals with heart.
men with their 9 logics and 1 feeling while women with their 9 feelings and 1 logic.
women crying all the times when they are sad, happy, or having broken heart.
and actually by that, women learn how to face it so when the problems come she knows the solution.
but when men having broken heart -with someone he really in love- his logics covered by his feeling and couldn't think right. and sometimes confused how to face it, because they're not use to it.
and it makes me sad when I could only say "dont worry, time will heal your broken heart" and you guys feel dissapointed because there's no magic thing that could remove straight away your broken heart.
so boys, get use to it okay ^_^
he was so sad that his ex (and he still mentioned that the woman as his gf) is close to another guy.
he never thought that she could do that to him, by this I mean move on from him.
so sad to hear him like that because, he seems so fragile and try to keep his tears coming out.
in fact he's a tough and silly guy I ever know.
another guy, my college friend, called me the day before when I was about to go to Karo event. yeahh~
he told me that he's in a shocked-depressed condition that he never felt that before. and it's because someone said that his ex -again- is going to get married in two weeks. whew~
when he heard the news, he couldn't sleep, think clear, or do whatever right. he thought that girl will come back to him after all. ahh what happend to you guys, to be so confident about yourself.
just remember back then when some friend tell me about the differences between men and women when it deals with heart.
men with their 9 logics and 1 feeling while women with their 9 feelings and 1 logic.
women crying all the times when they are sad, happy, or having broken heart.
and actually by that, women learn how to face it so when the problems come she knows the solution.
but when men having broken heart -with someone he really in love- his logics covered by his feeling and couldn't think right. and sometimes confused how to face it, because they're not use to it.
and it makes me sad when I could only say "dont worry, time will heal your broken heart" and you guys feel dissapointed because there's no magic thing that could remove straight away your broken heart.
so boys, get use to it okay ^_^
Sunday, July 12, 2009
just the beginning. hello!
this is my first blog. yippie! soooo excited. though I kinda confuse what should I write here.
I should've asked my friends who are experts and been here before.
but I'm still happy~ yeyy~
well, my daily activity is a little bit boringggg. I come to office, sit in front of my laptop, check emails, do facebook, update status in twitter, chat in my YM with friends who have real works to do.
and today, I decided to begin my desire since little. I want to be a writer. any kind of writer.
and make my life not that meaningless.
and this is just my beginning. hope I could write something more meaningful.
yaiks, what the meaning of those meaning meaning.
I should've asked my friends who are experts and been here before.
but I'm still happy~ yeyy~
well, my daily activity is a little bit boringggg. I come to office, sit in front of my laptop, check emails, do facebook, update status in twitter, chat in my YM with friends who have real works to do.
and today, I decided to begin my desire since little. I want to be a writer. any kind of writer.
and make my life not that meaningless.
and this is just my beginning. hope I could write something more meaningful.
yaiks, what the meaning of those meaning meaning.
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